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Sponsor the Future


Sponsorship Levels


Columbia Sponsor


To show our appreciation for your sponsorship, the business logo of your choice will be prominently displayed on our website, shared on our social media platforms and listed in the program.


White Sponsor


In addition to the Columbia level sponsorship, the white level includes your logo or business' card ad printed in the evening's program.


Navy Sponsor


The Navy Level Sponsorship additionally includes your logo projected throughout the evening's slideshow, a personal thank you from the MC during the evening's program, a full page ad in the program plus four tickets to the event.

Auction Item Donation

Please fill out the procurement form to submit an item for the live or silent auction.


If your company is interested in advertising in the evening's program, partnering with G.R.O.W.L, making a donation, or donating supplies, please contact

All donations are tax deductible. 

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